Our Mission
Clean, safe water is vital to the health of all communities, especially rural and Tribal communities. It is important that citizens in these communities understand basic water issues, including quality, quantity, and links to public health. To increase public understanding, the Southwest Environmental Finance Center (SW EFC), which is part of the Center for Water and the Environment at the University of New Mexico, has created the Environment-Focused Learning Academy (EFLA) to present non-partisan, fact-based, educational information about water resources and related issues in a variety of formats to community members and elected leaders. EFLA is a resource to hear from your peers or experts in the field on many topics related to water, wastewater, and stormwater. With a recently awarded grant, the SW EFC is working with three other University of New Mexico departments to develop videos, podcasts, and digital learning modules focused on water issues.
We are actively seeking funding and partnership opportunities to support the creation of more learning modules. If you are interested in funding a project or partnering with us please reach out to our Program Manager, Francine Stinziano.